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  • #36735
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    Hi everyone, new guy here from NW Washington. I have been a fan of knives for many years, and have been using the Wicked Edge for about a year. I originally bought the WE to bring my old service Ka-Bar back to life, and now I find myself buying every “garage sale” knife I come across just so I can sharpen some steel.  I dont have a lot of high end knives, I have a few Spyderco’s and Zero Tolerance folders, and I consider myself lucky if I’m able to pick up one “good” knife a year. But, I joined the forum here in hopes of learning more about the capabilities of the WE, and of course to drool over all of your shiny steel.



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    Welcome to the forum!

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

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