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Diamond stones wear out

Recent Forums Main Forum Sharpener and Accessory Maintenance Diamond stones wear out

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  • #34399
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    My 800/1000 diamond stones wear out very fast. After only sharpening 49 knives (I document all my sharpening), the are pretty damaged. I am surprised because I take care of not putting a lot of pressure when sharpening. Moreover I use a bit of water to lubrifry. Finally, I take good care of the stones by cleaning them every 5 knife with a tooth brush and soft soap. I do sharpen mainly kitchen J-knives (hard stell). Still those are the only stones with which I have problems.

    Is that normal?

    See pics below

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    Can you tell us what the dark spots on the stones are? If it’s diamonds that have gone loose, something is clearly not ok and you should contact WE. Their customer service is top notch. However, if it’s sharpening residue (metal filings) that’s pretty normal. In that case try to clean your stones thoroughly. A mild acid (vinegar, barkeepers friend) works well in doing so.

    Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge

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    It is the diamonds that have gone loose. It is clear when you have the stone in hand. Moreover, reading your post, I took the time to carefully clean all my stones with acetic acid at 15%. Well, it is indeed an excellent stone cleaner. However, it does not bring the diamonds back :). I will contact WE customer service.

    Thanks (once more) for your advices Mark.


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    It is the diamonds that have gone loose. It is clear when you have the stone in hand. Moreover, reading your post, I took the time to carefully clean all my stones with acetic acid at 15%. Well, it is indeed an excellent stone cleaner. However, it does not bring the diamonds back :). I will contact WE customer service. Thanks (once more) for your advices Mark.

    Yes, please do give us a shout. Your stones look very interesting. There seem, from the pictures, to be lots of diamonds on most of the surface though it’s hard to tell without closer photos. Then there are those dark spots, which it sounds like are bare of diamonds. Definitely an odd case. We’ll probably want to get those stones back to examine them.


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    Aaron kimpton
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    Interesting, between my pro pack 2, and my pp3 i have put several hundred sharpenings between each set. Mine get a little dirty, I wipe them with a lightly soapy rag.  Your photos look like that, though to the extreme.

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