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Can you sharpen a scandi grind on the WE?

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    So I have been searching on here and can’t find the answer but to be fair I suck with the technologies lol. So can it be done?  I have seen folks say a true scandi is like 8 dps so it’s not really possible.  I have the gen 3 pro set up.  I was wondering with the W/E low angle adapter or whatever it’s called would it be possible or am I wasting my time.  I have only done about 3 knives so far but am having great success.  However one of my favorite grinds is the scandi grind and I would love to be able to sharpen them on the W/E.  I know on the info page with the low angle adapter is say with the gen 3 you can get to 9 dps but was wondering  if with the extra play that is left in  after the 14 degree mark would it get lower.  I figure I would have to use the angle cube to make sure I can get it repeatable and see the exact angle.

    Any info from anyone who has done this would be appreciate or any advice you have for me.  thanks in advance

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    I think the scandi grind is usually 13 to 15 per side.  9 dps would be more like the primary bevel on a full flat grind.

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    I’ll have to look into it a bit more.  I put the stones up against my Pohan Leu and laid the stones on the side to see if they would line up.  I took it to 14 and it still wasn’t touch all the grind.  it was hitting the bevel and about 3/4th’s of the grind.  I took it to past the 14 mark and it got a lot closer but still wasn’t there.  I’ll have to look with some of my other scandi’s.  Maybe try it out on a mora so if it doesn’t work I’m not ruining my bluefin flipper lol

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    The Tormek small knife adapter may be of use in this situation especially.  The adapter gets the blade up higher and out in front for a bit more giving more clearance at the cost of a tiny bit of stability.


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    If it were me, and I wanted to keep it a true Scandi grind… I’d use a full size stone(s).  The angle control in this case is built into the knife, and the results would be better in: finish, time, etc.

    If wanting to use the W.E., I would consider creating and maintaining it with a small microbevel. In most cases, you’d be hard pressed to notice a difference in use, and you’d get some benefits: quicker and easier to sharpen, adjusting the level of finish without affecting the entire bevel, a stronger edge, etc.  Again, this is more of a personal preference than ‘what is the right way…’.

    Either way, keep us posted on the results!

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    thanks for the advice everyone.  I put a mora on it last night and it’s definitely below the 14 dps mark to hit the whole edge.  I think with the adapter though it would probably work.  I might give cliffs suggestion a go though as it’s slightly cheaper and looks like it would work well also.  I’m going to grab a few different cheap model scandi’s and see what I can come up with for it but I definitely think it’s possible with some work and attachments.  On the mora I had on it last night at the lowest dps setting I could get which appeared to hit the whole grind I couldn’t do the back half of the blade because the stones were hitting the W/E  clamps

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    Idea ‘stolen’ from Cliff Curry! I just put it into video format =) It’s possible but will take a very very long time if its dull at all.

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    Thank you for the video.  So it looks like I’ll need the w/e low angle adapter, the tormek small knife adapter and exteneded arms for the W/E.  lol looks like I need to get some more part time work lol

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