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Blade getting covered with diamond paste

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  • #10284
    Jeremy Long
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 21

    When I strop im getting diamond paste all over my blade is this normal? the strops dont feel like they are over loaded with paste and i put as much on as the instructions said (1 inch line then smeared around with clean finger)

    Seems like the edge would get much sharper if this wasnt happening..

    • Topics: 38
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    You have too much paste on there. I’d CAREFULLY scrape a lot of it off the strop and save in in a pill bottle or something.
    Despite the directions, one inch is too much. A dab spread between the two paddles would be a better amount.

    My strops are leather, and my compounds are paste, so I’m not able to answer much about balsa and sprays. But in general, it may be best to start with smaller amounts and add more if needed. You don’t want paste on your blade as that is basically wasting it.There is a section on stropping that may be a worthwhile read for you.

    • Topics: 57
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    I’d just try working it in a little more… maybe a quick spritz of alcohol to help. (Work from fine to coarse, so if you accidentally cross-contaminate a strop a little… it won’t affect it.)

    Jeremy Long
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 21

    I used a tip I saw in another thread for working the paste in better.. I took the two strops and rubbed them together to work the paste in.. seemed to solve my problems now they are working great

    Jeremy Long
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 21

    I’d just try working it in a little more… maybe a quick spritz of alcohol to help. (Work from fine to coarse, so if you accidentally cross-contaminate a strop a little… it won’t affect it.)

    I clean the edge with alcohol between strops to avoid cross contaminating.. seems to work well for me

    • Topics: 57
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    I was confusing… i meant work from fine to coarse if you try working the paste into the leather (especially if you do it with your fingers), so you don’t get coarse paste on the fine strops.

    • Topics: 25
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    Seems like first time after loading them you getting a little slop on the blade. After one use it gets better. I just start with a tiny bit and work it in with my finger, I keep adding little drops as needed to get full coverage.

    • Topics: 123
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    As others mentioned, using alcohol really helps in thinning the paste and getting it to work into the leather. I now use alcohol every time I apply paste.


    Jeremy Long
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 21

    As others mentioned, using alcohol really helps in thinning the paste and getting it to work into the leather. I now use alcohol every time I apply paste.

    I will try that next time I add paste can alcohol be used with all of the different types of strops? I ordered balsa ones and kangaroo leather ones.. Just wondering if alcohol will harm those at all?

    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    I will try that next time I add paste can alcohol be used with all of the different types of strops? I ordered balsa ones and kangaroo leather ones.. Just wondering if alcohol will harm those at all?

    I use it with all my strops. I don’t use much, just a fine mist from a spray bottle, not enough to really soak into the leather, cloth or wood, just enough to sit on the surface and thin the paste.


    • Topics: 25
    • Replies: 524

    I use alcohol and it does no damage. I can tell a big improvement with the strop using it.

    I just use a wet paper towel and “dab” each strop, just enough so that I can tell it’s wet looking. I then save that towel for cleaning the blade, use a clean section of towel to moisten the next strop and repeat.

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