Bent Vise????
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- This topic has 59 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 04/02/2012 at 6:44 am by
Jerry Stephenson.
01/19/2012 at 2:51 pm #1398
I preface this comment disclosing my newbie status with wicked edge but in my opinion if you sharpen knives with a bent vice be prepared to reprofile when your new vice arrives. It seems to me like the blade angle is following the bend angle of the vice causing a change in the edge angle of the sharpened blade. I’ve pretty much redone everything at this point and thankfully my new vice seems to be holding up so far. I’ve done about 15 knives and after tonight I now can shave with my steak knives if i want to. They are scary sharp. Wow.
01/19/2012 at 4:03 pm #1399Hi guys,
We’re at Shot Show for the week but are about to issue a recall on the batch that came out in November. We think the supplier failed at heat treatment or used the wrong material. If you’re having an issue, please call in or email right away.-Clay
01/20/2012 at 7:14 am #1400Hi Clay,
How do you know whether your vise is from the November batch? My WEPS came by mail today via Peter, your German reseller. Haven’t assembled it yet, but it already gives the impression of a very well built precision device. This is gonna be a good weekend :cheer:Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge
01/21/2012 at 2:08 am #1401Hi Clay,
How do you know whether your vise is from the November batch? My WEPS came by mail today via Peter, your German reseller. Haven’t assembled it yet, but it already gives the impression of a very well built precision device. This is gonna be a good weekend :cheer:Hi Mark,
It would be hard to know which batch it’s from if it came from Peter, could be that it’s one he had in stock from before that batch. If the jaws bend on you, please just let us know and we’ll get another set of jaws out to you.
01/29/2012 at 9:52 am #1469After sharpening approximately 25-30 knives, I noticed that I was getting a 2 deg angle difference between the left side and the right side of the WE sharpener. Even though I am using the double side foam tape and tightening in the recommended sequence and adjusting the angle accordingly, the bevels that I put on an Al Mar Sere and Benchmade 940 Osbourne knives inconsistent and not symmetrical. With the assymmetry of the vise, it is not possible to get a consistent bevel. Because of the bent vise and even though I am using the double sided foam tape, I can no longer get a knife to set squarely in the vise. Can you please advise what must done to replace or to correct this?
Attachments:01/29/2012 at 10:05 am #1470Ralph
There has been a recall on some of the latest vises…just give a call to the WE office and they will send out a replacement right away. They will look after you!Leo
01/29/2012 at 1:11 pm #1477Leo, Will do. Many thanks for the quick reply.
02/03/2012 at 12:28 am #1513Just a quick follow up to let you know that Kay & Bob took care of this. I received my replacement vise last evening. Many thanks!
02/06/2012 at 9:10 am #1559i am still waiting for a reply on my bent vise. i sent a email i believe on tuesday.
02/06/2012 at 9:18 am #1561Hi Zachary 🙂
To whom did you send the e-mail? Was it to the WE or one of the dealers? If you want prompt response from the WE use the toll free number and phone Kay, Bob or Clay and they will get on it. The phone is best as they get loads of e-mail everyday and sometimes they can’t get right to it. The phone is immediate! If you ordered from a dealer I don’t know, but I would always use the phone for this type of problem. My two cents worth.
02/07/2012 at 4:25 pm #1570I received my replacement vise within a week of calling & talking to Bob. The replacement sent was said to be from a new batch of “re hardened” ones. The one I got had a dull matte black chalkboard type of finish, the original vise I had was a shiny, smooth, black. Was the color change to differentiate between the old & new vises, or did they get re hardened butnot re anodized; Ive sharpened several knives & I notice that I don’t have to tighten the screws in as much for the blade to be secure. I just tighten the top screw till snug & turn the bottom screw 1/4 turn, & that is tight enough to keep the blade secure. On my old vise I’d have to turn the bottom screw 1/2-1 full turn for the knife to be tight. Ⓣⓗâ“â“â“šâ“¢ Ⓖⓤⓨⓢ!
02/26/2012 at 9:08 am #1778I actually just noticed this with mine as well. I’ve been very careful to baby this item, and to follow the instructions to a T. I’ve actually had a couple knives fall out of the vice, and never really achieved a grip where I would have felt comfortable lifting the entire unit by the knife. I’ve only used it a handful of times, likely less than fifteen; should I contact Clay?
02/26/2012 at 1:34 pm #1782I actually just noticed this with mine as well. I’ve been very careful to baby this item, and to follow the instructions to a T. I’ve actually had a couple knives fall out of the vice, and never really achieved a grip where I would have felt comfortable lifting the entire unit by the knife. I’ve only used it a handful of times, likely less than fifteen; should I contact Clay?
Please call in on Monday, or write any time. There is definitely a problem with your jaws and they need to be replaced ASAP.
04/01/2012 at 8:10 pm #2350Thank you so much! I received my replacement vise 4 days after calling Wicked Edge, it already had a prepaid return shipping label inside the box too. I noticed the new one was a dull matte finish compared to my original glossy finish. I also weighed the old & new & the replacement weight quite a bit more. I measured the dimensions & all are the same, except the new one had one that was slightly shorter than the other so it does not line up perfectly at the top like the originals did.
Here is a pic
04/02/2012 at 6:44 am #2361Good job by wicked edge for replacing the jaws.
Remember that the bottom screw is basicly a lever using about a 3 to 1 mechanical advantage to tighten the vice. The top screw I tighten about as tight as I can with the tool provided. The bottom screw I just tighten until I see the gap widen a bit at the bottom which tells me I have strained the jaws a bit and have a nice clamping load on the blade. Don’t overtighten the lower screw. –Jerry
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