A bit off topic I guess, but since I have seen some refer to this as a community, I suppose it might be interesting and even helpful to note if any among us has been effected (or is it affected) by Super Storm Sandy. Since I live in the Pacific Northwest, it hasn’t really hit me in any significant way.
However, having said that, it has affected me in one way. I have been watching all those news stories of people standing in line for hours with gas cans or driving to gas stations in other states to get gas for their generators or SUVs. This kind of brought home a point that seems like a good thing. I decided to take the necessary steps toward preparing for a disaster so that I am not one of those people when the “big one” hits my area. We do get occasional snow storm that knocks power out for a day or two where I live, which has been nothing more than an inconvenience for us but we do live in a very earthquake prone area.
So I have purchased a generator and bought 7 five gallon gas cans which I will rotate into my car periodically and I am going today to the Home Depot to buy some 5 gallon water bottles and then perhaps to Costco to buy some non perishable food staples for storage, and extra dog food which may be hard to get in a total shut down.
I live on an island in Washington State, so it is very conceivable that we could be entirely cut off from critical services for an extended period.
So, I am wondering if any of you are doing anything different or anything at all because of what happened in the Northeastern U.S.
At the very least, all my knives will be sharp and ready for survival mode. 😛