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  • #36371
    • Topics: 4
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    Hello everybody, glad to be part of the forum. I’m from Alaska and do a lot of game processing and have always had a little bit of a knife obsession. I have tried most of the systems out there with some luck and this year finally bit the bullet and got the Wicked Edge Propack II with some upgrades and a lot of different stones/ strops. I am so happy with the system and the results I am getting. I have done some scary sharp polished edges like noting I have ever been able to achieve before, my main focus is getting the ultimate edge for game processing, I typically fillet 300-500 red salmon in the summer, usually in only a two or three day period so anything to make it easier, will be experimenting with some blades I have finished this summer to see if I have one that can cut all day without or with very little maintenance. I also usually am involved in quartering several moose every year, usually right when the sun goes down and every noise sounds like a bear, or sometimes is a bear, haha, in any case its nice to not have to stop and tune an edge, if the bears don’t get ya the mosquitos will. I have done some experimenting with moose skinners as well and am still working on it, leaning toward a toothy double bevel now. I have several high quality kitchen knives that are insanely sharp and always seem to thrill people that use them for the first time, and often get their knives dumped on my porch for sharpening because they know I cannot stand to see a blunt edge. Still looking for the edge to give people that don’t take care of their knives, I wont waste my time on the junky ones however. I have a lot to learn and this forum looks like a wealth of information and love how people all seem eager to help you. Wicked Edge makes a fine product and great customer support as well, look forward to chatting with everybody… STAY SHARP!

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