the kally treatment yesterday – 12 min. vid – not of sharpening, just before and after stuff.
Had to deliver lopers and hedge trimmers today and pick up some new knives to sharpen.
Knives ended up being big Wooden Handled Victorinox Forschners x 4 – 2 Mundials – one is 12 inches long and one is 3 inches long and the last is a F.Dick 3 inch parer. – 7 knives in total – All knives in the video were sharpened on the “Kally”
Two of the bigger knives were sharpened once someplace in Africa and they used a big grinding wheel/stone and they have major blade scratches along both sides. I was able to polish out some of the smaller ones, but as u will see, the major ones will remain forever I presume.
All but one of her knives have her named engraved on the blade – I like it.