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Re: Welcome to the new Wicked Edge Forum

Recent Forums Main Forum Welcome Mat Welcome to the new Wicked Edge Forum Re: Welcome to the new Wicked Edge Forum

don griffith
  • Topics: 4
  • Replies: 51

Hi Rick! You are very welcome here!You will soon be happy about buying a WEPS. It will give you the edges you always wanted.

Warm regards

Now, Leo, you should be more clear for our new friend. There are two soons at work here. The first soon is an arbitrary time interval referenced from the event of now[/i] when it is spoken to some expected event in the future–said event being when your WEPS arrives at your doorstep. The interval of time between that event pair is a nebulous thing, with thin, whispy tendrils of certainty wrapped around dense monoliths of uncertainty. How soon soon is is, in a word, unknowable, but management encouragement keeps us hanging on. :dry:
Now, the second soon is that interval of time between getting your WEPS and opening it (and setting up and using it successfully), which translates into happily.

I’m guessing that interval is about 60 seconds!! :silly: