As you can tell from my video, I’m the kid here! Just turned 36 🙂 Leo, I’m still a little active in music. I have a stray student here and there, and I still conduct a university wind band. I don’t miss playing that much (anymore)… Who knows what will happen in the future, though. I’m leaving my options open. Right now, the knife and razor stuff keeps me plenty happy – and busy!
@ Edhead – The Art of Shaving has some very nice shaving products. I absolutely love their lemon scented after shave lotion. I have their pre-shave oil, and it doesn’t seem to do anything either way for me, but it depends on your skin type, humidity levels, etc. If it works for you, then keep using it!
Buying your first straight is a wonderful experience 🙂 The Art of Shaving uses TI blades, which are decent, but I feel a little overpriced on their site. There’s a whole world of straight razors out there to choose from. Shaving politics, as you probably know, is very volatile! 😆 If you want more info PM me here, and I think we can find a good solution for you 😉
Something to consider is to transition more gradually into straights – Gillette makes a simple DE (Double Edge) safety razor (as opposed to some of the more elaborate DE’s). It is a safer way to get used to the feeling of the blade actually against the skin on your face, and to get the technique of stretching the skin (I don’t know how experienced a wet shaver you are). This is something we can further explore, for sure!