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Re: Sharpening near the heel

Recent Forums Main Forum Welcome Mat Sharpening near the heel Re: Sharpening near the heel

Leo James Mitchell
  • Topics: 64
  • Replies: 687

If the paddle rubs on the thumb stud of the knife it will sometimes lift it enough so that it wont make contact with the edge at the heel. If this is the case: You might try sharpening the knife at a greater angle to clear the thumb stud, or use very short up-and-down strokes with just the bottom of the paddle so it’s above the stud. Hope this helps!

Around the thumb stud in this case, the up and down scrubbing motion is very advantageous…personally when I am raising the burrs with the 100 grit paddle, I use only the up and down motion for the length of the blade.
My eye is not good enough to comment on the picture of your edge but Clay or Tom from Jende Industries would be experts on such things.
