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Re: Neat accessories

  • Topics: 5
  • Replies: 44

ROTFLMAO! You break me up Don!! NASA eh! I guess your tools might be accurate there!!
Don’t know why you can’t open your profile…perhaps there is a Mod around somewhere, who can help!
Anyway, not to worry!

That’s funny…I can access your Profile! Hmmm! :huh:

Add me to the dummy list. I can access my profile, but I can’t edit it. I’m doomed to posting without an avatar. But life goes on. :blush:[/quote]

For me to edit my avatar I click on resource then on forum then on profile then on the line that says profile for go to the right to where it says edit click on it then click on avatar. Thats the way it works for me, hope it works for you
