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Re: My first knife on the Wicked Edge

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies My first knife on the Wicked Edge Re: My first knife on the Wicked Edge

Leo James Mitchell
  • Topics: 64
  • Replies: 687

Nice video Leo. This sharpening looks guite fast with nice result. I think that speed depends on practice also, but movements are simple, so learning should be fast. Now I am waiting for low angle attachment, I have some Japanese kitchen knives, so I won’t limit yourselt to 15 degree, and shipping to Europe is too costly to buy it separately.

I am glad the video was useful to you mate. You are of course correct when you say speed is dependent on practice.The learning curve is pretty quick and the procedures simple enough.
The low angle device should be along shortly so you can get really nice acute angles on your Japanese Chef knives. Where do you live in Europe Lukas? It would be great if you would do a write up for the Welcome section so we can get to know you. Take a look at mine.

Warm regards