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Re: Me and my story! Let’s get to know each other!

Recent Forums Main Forum Welcome Mat Me and my story! Let’s get to know each other! Re: Me and my story! Let’s get to know each other!

  • Topics: 14
  • Replies: 47

Hi all, I figured now that I’m officially a WE user I should introduce myself.
I am 28 years old. I grew up in a small logging town of 2000 people in NW Oregon where I really fell in love with the outdoors. I now live in Hillsboro with a population of around 90,000! Talk about culture shock! I work for the city outside in the parks so I cant complaine too much. I am also a volunteer firefighter working towords being a professional Firefighter. I do a lot of cooking and all of these fun things I get to do require you to have sharp knives. My dad always used a small dark grey stone to sharpen his knives with, I was never really able to get that great of results which lead me first to a Smiths nife sharpener. And boy did I ever feel like champ after being able to shave the hair off my arm with my ol’ buck knife! My girlfriend knowing me and my growing obsession for making everything sharp bought me a Gatco sharpener for Christmas last year, and that was all she wrote for me. After that I started looking at ways to better my edges. I first found my way to the Knife Forums website and then to Leo’s post there about the wondrous WEPS. I instantly knew I had to have one, I just had to justify it in a way to my Girlfriend that wouldn’t hurt her feelings too bad. I did that by starting to sharpen knives for folks I work with and I think her seeing how much time I was having to put into each one made it clear to her I needed something more versatile and repeatable to make my customers happy. Now I’m happy to report that I’m a full fledged knife nut! And down the rabbit hole I go!