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Re: Looking for a good Hunting Knife

Recent Forums Main Forum Welcome Mat Looking for a good Hunting Knife Re: Looking for a good Hunting Knife

Edwin Lurvey
  • Topics: 5
  • Replies: 80

I own the Outdoor Edge Swingblade, but had another unsucessful hunt this year, so I didnt get to use it. The upside down hook with a safety tip is nice for not poking the guts, and it cuts under the hair which is nice too for staying sharp. The skinning side is great for skinning, but every seasoned hunter that has seen my gear instead loves my Spyderco dragonfly and ESEE Izula II for field dressing along with the Swingblade gut hook. They all say the skinning knife would be used for skinning after hanging and aging the deer. In this regard I think the Swingblade is a little backwards. I would prefer a small knife with the gut hook for an in the field knife, and then a second skinning knife totally seperate for use later after hanging. Check out the Izula , 1095 steel, takes a great edge, but keep it oiled.