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Re: Help on interpreting goniometer results

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies Help on interpreting goniometer results Re: Help on interpreting goniometer results

Leo James Mitchell
  • Topics: 64
  • Replies: 687

Hi Mark
I have had similar problems with the goniometer…I believe that the problem lies in the fact that the meter requires a flat facet to reflect the laser so it points to the correct reading. In a fully convexed blade, as the edge approaches zero the job for the meter becomes more and more difficult until a point is reached near zero when the laser reflects not only from the actual edge but even more from the steel at the base of the edge.Big sprays of red laser light all over the dial.
The reading I see there is very unclear but my best guess is between 4 and 6 degrees. You might try the following…turn the knife in the slot so it rests flat on one of the V sides…take a reading of the laser at its furthest reach…do the same with the knife lying flat on the other side of the V…if the readings are the same then you are at zero or approaching zero. If there is a difference e,g, one reading is 30 degrees and the other is 35 degrees then the angle is 5 degrees.
Having said all that I may be full of baloney. I will trust that those with more scientific minds than mine will see this just that or maybe not!!:whistle:

Leo the nut case LOL!