Since the more obtuse angle is the final cutting edge, why not start with that angle and convex from that point?
Example; 20 deg cutting edge taken to burr, then just a few strokes each of say 18,16,14 being careful NOT to take them to burr.
Less metal removed, and much faster.
Why remove the edge you just put on?
The only trade off I see would be maybe slightly less precise. (appearance, not performance)
If you start with the lower angle 14 to burr then progress to burr up to 20 you are removing more of the metal and work you just performed.
Correct me if I’m missing something or read it wrong.
The only thing I see might be the lesser of evils is that with Clay’s method – 17 to bur and through stones, then 20 to bur, then a bit of work on 19 and 18, – you then have 2 definitive set angles, your 17 and 20, with 19 and 18 worked just to round it out.
I gues either way you get a similar edge.