What is the old saying, ‘there is more than one way to skin a cat!’. but since I love cats I will loosely (very loosely!) quote my Buddha who says, ‘there are many paths to enlightenment, so choose your own path and tread it boldly!’
What you are saying is also correct! Sometimes words get in the way of results. As I said, I am a pragmatist and when I first wrote a review of the WEPS in a forum populated by sharpening mavens, my pragmatism got me into conflicts with them…the suggestion was, what do I mean entering this hallowed ground. In the end it was OK and we became friends but they never did understand that it is enough for me that my knife cuts the things I want it to cut and that is all good. A mirror edge is nice but is not the absolute for me. A convex edge no matter how you get it is good and cuts things like lightning, doesn’t matter to me how I got it beyond the simple steps I use. I probably don’t have to go back to the 400 grit for each of the secondary steps but I just do and it seems to work alright. I know I am not much of a perfectionist but that’s me now…when I was thirty, watch out! I was a bear for perfection! I don’t get all exercised about it now! Old farts eh! ROTFLMAO!!!
Leo 😆