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Re: 800/1000 grit stones question

Recent Forums Main Forum Techniques and Sharpening Strategies 800/1000 grit stones question Re: 800/1000 grit stones question

  • Topics: 179
  • Replies: 2760

Today my (cheap) USB microscope came in. So I could finally see what was going on.

I used the microscope to make photographs of the stones at a magnification of 400x. Here they are.

The 400 grit stone:

The 600 grit stone, already smoother than the 400 grit:

The 800 grit stone, definitely smooter than the 600 grit:

And finally the 1000 grit stone, about which I had my questions:

To me the 1000 grit stone looks (a tiny bit) smoother than the 800 grit stone.

Nothing wrong with QC at Wicked Edge. Thanks, Clay!

Molecule Polishing: my blog about sharpening with the Wicked Edge