Ok, so the real answer is that I want the Pro Kit with the 800/1000 diamonds plus the 1200/1600 ceramics and the 14/10 strops and the 5/3.5 strops. I’ll probably want the semi-round ceramics for recurved blades as well. Then I’ll want 1/.5 micron strops. But I can’t afford all that right now, so I’ll have to settle for less and build my kit over time. So the question is what should I get now and what should I defer? I’ll definitely start with the basic kit (diamond 100, 200, 400, 600) plus the Paperstone base. Then what should I add with an additional budget of $100?
I was leaning toward the 1200/1600 ceramics (5 and 2.85 micron) and the 5/3.5 strops. But now I am thinking of getting both sets of strops (14/10 and 5/3.5) instead. So my finest diamond hone would be the standard kit 600 grit (16 micron). Then I would strop with diamond paste at 14, 10, 5, and 3.5 micron. This seems like a better progression to me just from the grit size. Also, the 14/10 strops can be used on recurved blades and they are useful when making a convex edge as well. Lastly, when looking at the pictures on the Grit Comparison Chart, the strops seem to produce the best LOOKING edge. I’m not sure if that translates into performance, however.
But I wonder about if I am expecting the strops to do too much of the work. Will I be over stropping? Will I turn the edge? Would I be better off with the ceramics and the 5/3.5 strops as originally planned?
What do you guys think?