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Coming down off the ceramics

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  • #113
    Dave Schur
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 39

    Hi Clay, love my Wicked Edge.

    I have all diamond stones (50/80, 100/200, 400/600, 800/1000), the ceramics (1200/1600), and a few strops (14u/10u, 5u/3.5u, 1u/,5u).

    I love the ceramics, they definitely get the edge ready for the strops.

    So my question is, what is the best strop to start on after the 1600 ceramic? Suppose the steel is S30V for a midpoint (also do ZDP189, S90V, as well as VG-10).

    I feel 14u is too much, should I start the strops at 5u from the 1600 ceramic?

    Thanks for the help!


    • Topics: 123
    • Replies: 2940

    Hey Dave,

    Thank you for the great questions! I would start with the 5 Micron strops after the 1600 grit ceramics.



    Dave Schur
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 39

    Thanks Clay, that confirms exactly what I was thinking, I tried transitioning at 14, 10, and 5 microns, but felt like I was wasting time above 5). I think I may scrape, clean and sand my 14/10 micron strops, and try a little .25 and .125 micron stropping down the road to see what level it takes the edges to instead! I’ll probably wait to see the Shapton offerings though as they might shake up my progression lineup quite a bit.

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